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UW-developed media literacy training is adopted in Iowa and California

A Misinformation Day instructor works with studentsMisinfoDay @ MyCommunity, a program developed and launched by the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public (CIP), is being adopted around the nation.

A group of librarians at Des Moines University, a private medical university, were the latest to adapt the MisinfoDay activities for a community event. The university adapted the activities to help medical students better address misinformation between both patients and clients. Event attendees completed hands-on activities, including the Euphorigen Investigation, an educational escape room style game developed at the CIP in collaboration with Puzzle Break. Event organizers saw the games facilitating profound discussions of misinformation’s impact, particularly in clinical spaces.

In May 2024, nearly 100 high schoolers took part in California’s first MisinfoDay trainings, showcasing the proliferation of this important project. With media literacy increasingly critical, MisinfoDay @ MyCommunity is an important program that educators can use for a diverse range of audiences.

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